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Products for Window Manufacturers

Serramentisti che posano un serramento

Fresia Alluminio, in over 40 years of history, has always paid great attention to research and innovation to ensure its customers always new solutions, in compliance with current regulations.
In addition to a complete range of aluminium window systems, Fresia Alluminio offers complementary products to window manufacturers that increase energy efficiency by reducing dispersions:

  • ThermoPosa products for the correct installation
  • Cassomuro concealed box
  • Thermo Pro subframe
For years, Fresia Alluminio has been promoting the THERMOPOSA system, a complete package specifically designed for ALsistem products and that
  • meets the requirements of the new Ministerial Decree of 26 June 2015;
  • provides the Qualified Installation Manual (made mandatory by standard UNI EN 14351-1:2010)
  • uses only materials guaranteed by the manufacturer at least 10 years;
  • allows qualified window manufacturers to provide a certified quality service to the end customer.
Logo Thermoposa il protocollo di posa qualificato studiato da ALsistem

The products of the Thermoposa certified installation system

Prodotti Thermoposa: profili porta intonaco

Plaster-supporting profiles

The plaster-supporting profiles are seals to be applied to the subframe to avoid cracks in the connection to the wall. They consist of an extruded PVC, and have in the side towards the wall of the slots that will be drowned in the plaster to form a single body. 
On the inner edge is instead coupled a polyethylene mattress of two colors:

  • red color inside
  • green color outside
Prodotti Thermoposa: pellicola tenuta aria-vapore

Vapour-air sealing film

They are special tapes that prevent the passage of air and steam. They must be attached with the self-adhesive side to the subframe and through a special mastic to the wall to waterproof the primary node (subframe-wall).
They are used as an alternative to plaster-supporting profiles, but they are always indispensable to seal the inner side of the lower crossbar. Depending on the color they are more or less waterproof.

Prodotti Thermoposa: MS Polimero

MS Polymer

The MS Polymer is a very innovative fluid sealant. It adheres perfectly to all building materials if the surfaces are wet. It is overpaintable without problems and does not stain the marbles. It has a very high resistance to bad weather and UV rays. The coloured formulations are highly adhesive while the transparent formulation must be used as sealant.
Prodotti Thermoposa: schiuma poliuretanica

Polyurethane foam

All polyurethane foams shrink over time and absorb moisture, so they are not suitable to seal the connecting joints of the window. However, they have good thermoacoustic performance so they are used in the inner part of the node in combination with more waterproof materials on the edges.
The foam AGP 5036 highly adhesive to the edges and elastic, follows the movements of the joint and lasts a long time.
Prodotti Thermoposa: nastri impregnati autoespandenti

Self-expanding impregnated tapes

Self-expanding impregnated bands seal cracks in place of foam with better results, are easier to lay, do not dirty and are guaranteed for 15 years on display. Simple bends (AGP 5033) or multifunctional bends (AGP 5034) that are equipped with internal functional membranes can be used. For the sealing of the lower cross must be used the band AGP 5037 specifically designed to ensure the waterproofness of the joint.
Prodotti Thermoposa: controtelai

ThermoPosa subframe

In the last 10 years, windows have evolved significantly while the subframe is still similar to what was used 30 years ago. The new Thermoposa subframes guarantee very high thermal performance and are simple and practical to use and solve the typical defects of wood and sheet metal. They are the best solution for energy-efficient windows.

Insulate boxs by reducing costs, without breaking walls and without soiling

ThermoPosa, together with a team of experts and thermotechnicians, has developed a specific package for the thermoacoustic requalification of the box without any kind of masonry work, in a fast and clean way, and does not require any modification to the original box.

The Thermoposa package also includes the application of an innovative air-tight belt guide and a brush applied on the edge of the lower panel towards the roll sheet to reduce the entry of air into the cavity. In addition, the acoustic sheet can further halve the noise. The result was certified at the Rosenheim Institute in Germany for a reduction of up to 39 dB.

Prodotti Thermoposa: pannello polietilene isolante

Self-supporting reflective polyethylene insulation panel

High density modified polyethylene panel with high thermal insulation (λ=0,04). It guarantees a self-supporting elastic structure and is very easy to process. It is cut with scissors or cutter and is perfectly waterproof to steam and air. The reflective surface made with a special aluminized film, reflects inward infrared radiation, greatly improving the already high insulation performance of the panel.
Available in two thicknesses: 10 and 20 mm.
Prodotti Thermoposa: telo isolante acustico

Sound insulation sheet

Acoustic insulation consisting of a high density bituminous base (4kg/m2) soundproofing sheet with faces covered with a textile polypropylene finish. To be used on boxes facing the road, or when greater sound insulation is required, where it can improve performance up to 10db. It is installed on the AGP 5040 panel, which is the supporting structure and on which it sits perfectly.
Prodotti Thermoposa: pannello polistirene

Polystyrene panel

Rigid panel in extruded expanded polystyrene with exceptional thermal insulation characteristics (λ=0,03). It is applied in the lower part of the cavity of the box where it could stagnate any drops of water brought inside by the roller shutter wet by rain. To avoid this problem we have selected a material that has a reduced water absorption, excellent resistance to aging. It is easily cut thanks to the superficial incisions.
Prodotti Thermoposa: barre di contenimento

Containment bars

The lack of air tightness in the box is one of the main causes of energy waste. The AGP 5040 panel has air-tight, like also the panel’s connection system to the structure both on the upper edge and on the lower edge.
In fact, specific containment bars have been designed with a sealing gasket. The bars are hermetically fixed to the wall by means of an elastic adhesive glue cord.
Prodotti Thermoposa: spazzolini di tenuta

Sealing brushes

They are brushes built with polyethylene hairs that support the air-tight fins. Their special feature is to combine a great softness not to scratch the sheet with a good ability to counter the passage of air in the slit. They must be applied through special bars only on one of the two edges of the slit where the sheet flows and are able to reduce up to 70% the air passage.
Prodotti Thermoposa: guidacinghia a tenuta

Sealing belt guide

The hole of the belt guide connects the compartment of the box with the internal environment causing a truly remarkable air exchange. To reduce the resulting energy waste, the belt guides should be airtight.
The Thermoposa package includes two different belt guides, for the front output or for the lower output, both hermetic. They can be applied to the box without removing the rope as they are built with interlocking elements.
The concealed box for renovation that combines modern aesthetics with high thermal and acoustic performance.
The Cassomuro has the following advantages:
  • Peak thermal insulation performance with values up to Usb < 1,0 W/m2k according to the type of insulation chosen;
  • Unique sound insulation performance among renovation boxes with a value Rw = 40db according to UNI EN ISO 10140-2;
  • Aesthetics of the modern and elegant box that architecturally redevelops the window compartment connecting it to the masonry to obtain a concealed effect;
  • Versatility: a single box that can be applied to any window;
  • Construction speed: CassoMuro can be easily built and tailored directly by the window manufacturer without requiring expensive equipment and drastically reducing time.
Prodotti Thermoposa: il cassomuro
Complete system for the squaring of the wall hole and for the structural fixing of the window.
Compared to traditional subframes has the following advantages:
  • High thermal insulation (Φ = 0,17 W/mqk);
  • Certified mechanical seal: strength of the screws fixed to 15 mm from the outer edge > 200 Kg per point;
  • Small end sections to allow the housing of the plaster-supporting profiles and avoid the cover spinning;
  • Does not deform, rot or rust when in contact with rain or when exposed to high humidity;
  • Flame retardant and self-extinguishing (class V0), that is, it does not propagate the flame.
Prodotti Thermoposa: il controtelaio Thermo Pro