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ISO 9001:2015 Certification: a process of continuous improvement

Fresia Alluminio obtained the first certification in 2014 (9001:2008 version). In 2016 it has adapted to the update 9001:2015 and also in 2018, it has passed the audit for the annual renewal.
Fresia Alluminio possiede la certificazione di qualità ISO 9001:2015

Why did we choose the ISO 9001:2015 certification?

Because it is an internationally recognized standard that provides a set of useful guidelines to create a system of customer satisfaction and business improvement as a whole.

Improving customer satisfaction is one of the basic principles of certification as each activity, application and process monitoring must be aimed at determining the maximum satisfaction of the consumer: a goal shared by Fresia Alluminio.

The phases of application of the norm start from the definition of the procedures and records of every single business process, all with a careful analysis of the definition of the business opportunities, the mission and corporate vision expressed through the Quality Policy.

The quality management system includes in its process the evaluation of customer satisfaction, internal inspection, the monitoring of products and processes, the management of non-compliant products, as well as corrective and preventive actions.

The standard UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 requires the company both to determine the aspects and areas of the context (external and internal) but also to identify the risk and opportunity factors that can influence its ability to achieve its objectives.

Each company should define its activities on management and organizational models that take into account:

  • STRATEGIES: identification of final objectives
  • STRUCTURE: which means and instruments need to reach the objectives
  • CONTROL: how to verifie if the direction taken is the right one
Fresia Alluminio:  miglioramento e crescita continui

In short, we need to ask ourselves what objectives the company aims at and what risks we run, what can go wrong or good, what can influence positively or negatively the achievement of the objectives.

To respond the standard requires:

  • Identify the external context: opportunities and threats that can affect the company.
  • Identify the internal context: strengths and weaknesses.
  • Define the actions most suitable and consistent to the strategy that has been decided to pursue also adopting planning tools.
To speak of CONTEXT ANALYSIS means to face also an analysis of the risks of enterprise, organizational, economic, financial, etc... and choices regarding the most appropriate structure to address the defined context.

The standard also requires to address another aspect that, if carried out properly, allows the company to be effective in achieving the objectives: THE ANALYSIS OF PROCESSES.

It is good to understand that the development of a process analysis always begins with asking yourself some questions:

  • Which workflow is needed to complete the process?
  • How does the work change from one activity/person to another?
  • What and where are the "bottlenecks" of the process?
  • At what stages of the process is product quality unpredictable?
  • Are there any stages in the process that are irrelevant to customer satisfaction?
  • How long does it take to complete the process?
  • How much does it cost to complete the process?
  • Why are there different activities in the process?
  • What are the interactions with other business processes?
Answering these seemingly simple questions is the most important stage of the certification process and allows the achievement of the continuous improvement objectives that Fresia Alluminio has set itself. Customer care, quality of the product and service have always been the must of a company that for over 50 years has been a leader in the market of aluminum window systems.